Agile Project Management in Consulting

One of the key benefits of agile project management is that it allows for a more iterative and incremental approach to software development giving a faster Return on Investment (ROI) for the customer. Rather than trying to plan out every aspect of a project in advance, agile teams focus on delivering small, usable features of software on a regular basis. This allows the development team to be more responsive to changes in the project’s requirements or priorities, and to get feedback from users more quickly.

Agile demos and the importance of continuous feedback

Demonstrations are integral in ensuring a Business Intelligence or Data Engineering solution will meet our client’s needs. It is often only after a business user has experimented with a solution that gaps become apparent. Therefore, we prioritize bi-weekly demonstrations of ongoing development and getting the solution in the hands of the user as early in the development process as possible. These goals are fundamentals of the agile framework that Imaginet uses.