Universal Source of Pricing Solution Provides Data Integrity and Standardization

A well-known consumer packaged goods (CPG) company specializing in pet food contacted Imaginet to construct a Universal Source of Pricing (USoP) solution to improve data integrity and audit quality. The existing system was complex and utilized Microsoft Excel workbooks to manage pricing forecasting for their numerous product lines. Unfortunately, without any standard data processes and with various managers modifying the data, errors were common and caused confusion within the organization.   Our team created a database with validated data from Excel workbooks. We then leveraged Power Apps and Power Automate to develop an application interface that mimicked the look and feel of an Excel workbook but allowed us to retain controls … Read more

Agile demos and the importance of continuous feedback

Demonstrations are integral in ensuring a Business Intelligence or Data Engineering solution will meet our client’s needs. It is often only after a business user has experimented with a solution that gaps become apparent. Therefore, we prioritize bi-weekly demonstrations of ongoing development and getting the solution in the hands of the user as early in the development process as possible. These goals are fundamentals of the agile framework that Imaginet uses.

Using Microsoft Power BI – Business Data Analytics for Better Reporting

Power BI Blog

Microsoft Power BI is a powerful business analytics tool that helps you make better decisions with data-driven insights. With Power BI, you can easily create interactive reports and dashboards to visualize your data and share it with your team. Get started today and unlock

Using Microsoft Power BI in Data Engineering

Power BI Blog

We have a lot of discussions with clients about a desire to do “better reporting”. They have been using Power BI but feel they now need a data warehouse to create reports that will give them all the info they need. Fundamentally, organizations often have an analytics problem, one for which a data warehouse forms part of the solution, however, the complexities lie in the data. Often organizations have already applied significant expertise to the problem, and while they understand a lot about the problems, they have reached some difficult data challenges requiring external expertise.